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Question: Answered & Verified by Expert
25.3 g of sodium carbonate, Na2CO3 is dissolved in enough water to make 250 mL of solution. If sodium carbonate dissociates completely, molar concentration of sodium ion, Na+ and carbonate ions, CO32- are respectively (Molar mass of Na2CO3=106 gmol-1 )
ChemistrySome Basic Concepts of ChemistryNEET
  • A 0.477 M and 0.477 M
  • B 0.955 M and 1.910 M
  • C 1.910 M and 0.955 M
  • D 1.90 M and 1.910 M
1297 Upvotes Verified Answer
The correct answer is: 1.910 M and 0.955 M
Molarity (M) of Na2CO3 =wtmol.wt.×1000vol(ml)=25.3106×1000250=0.955 mol/L
And Na2CO32Na++CO3-2
Therefore [Na+]=2×0.955=1.910 mol/L
[CO3-2]=0.955 mole/L

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