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2.68× 10 3 moles of a solution containing an ion A n+ require 1.61× 10 1 moles of  MnO 4 - ion for the oxidation of A n+ to AO 3 -  in acidic medium. What is the value of n?
ChemistryRedox ReactionsJEE Main
2279 Upvotes Verified Answer
The correct answer is: 2.00
A n+ A +5 O 3 + 5n   e  × 5, Oxidation half reaction

MnO4-+8H++5e-Mn2++4H2O × (5-n)Reduction half reaction

Applying reaction stoichiometry,

5 moles of An+ 5-n moles of MnO 4-
5 5-n = 2.68 × 1 0 - 3 1.61 × 10 - 3 = 1.66 = 5 3
5 - n = 3
n = 2

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