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Question: Answered & Verified by Expert
2-celled pollen grains of angiosperm represent:
BiologySexual Reproduction in Flowering PlantsNEET
  • A Microspores
  • B Partially developed male gametophyte
  • C Mature male gametophyte
  • D Male gametangium
1257 Upvotes Verified Answer
The correct answer is: Partially developed male gametophyte
The 3-celled pollen grain of Angiosperm is considered to be mature male gametophyte where the terminal position has more of cytoplasm and tube-nucleus. The two male gametes remain in the back side of tube nucleus. Nearly 40% of Angiosperms release their pollen grain in 3-celled stage while rest of the 60% of angiosperm release pollen grain in 2-celled stage. The 2-celled stage is referred to as partially developed male gametophyte.

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