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$\left({ }_{32} \mathrm{Ge}^{76},{ }_{34} \mathrm{Se}^{76}\right) \text { and } \left.{(}_{14} \mathrm{Si}^{30},{ }_{16} \mathrm{S}^{32}\right) \text { are examples of }$
Verified Answer
The correct answer is:
isobars and isotones
${ }_{32} \mathrm{Ge}^{76}$ and $\mathrm{sq} \mathrm{Se}^{76}$ have the same mass number but different atomic number, so they are isobars. Number of neutrons,
in $_{14} e^{\mathrm{Si}^{30}}=30-14=16$
in $_{16} e^{\mathrm{Si}^{32}}=32-16=16$
Because of the presence of same number of neutrons, $_{14} \mathrm{Si}^{30}$ and ${ }_{16} \mathrm{S}^{32}$ are called isotones.
in $_{14} e^{\mathrm{Si}^{30}}=30-14=16$
in $_{16} e^{\mathrm{Si}^{32}}=32-16=16$
Because of the presence of same number of neutrons, $_{14} \mathrm{Si}^{30}$ and ${ }_{16} \mathrm{S}^{32}$ are called isotones.
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