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A 1.0 g sample of substance A at 100 oC is added to 100 mL of H2O at 25 oC . Using separate 100 mL portions of H2O , the procedure is repeated with substance B and then with substance C. How will the final temperatures of the water compare?
Substance Specific Heat
A 0.60 Jg-1oC-1
B 0.40 Jg-1oC-1
C 0.20 Jg-1oC-1
ChemistryThermodynamics (C)NEET
  • A TC>TB>TA
  • B TB>TA>TC
  • C TA>TB>TC
  • D TA=TB=TC
2365 Upvotes Verified Answer
The correct answer is: TA>TB>TC
Heat absorbed or evolved, ΔQ=msΔt
Where, m = mass of substance, s = specific heat
Δt= temperature difference
It me Solution: s1Δt
Higher the temperature of given solution, lesser is the temperature difference. So higher is the specific heat. As, specific heat order is A > B > C. So, order of temperature of solution is A > B > C.

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