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$A^{2+}, B^{2+}$ and $C^{-}$form an ionic complex like $A_{x-2}\left[B(C)_x\right]_2$. If the complex is $75 \%$ dissociated in a solvent with $i=4$, the coordination number of $B$ is
ChemistryCoordination CompoundsTS EAMCETTS EAMCET 2020 (10 Sep Shift 1)
  • A 3
  • B 4
  • C 5
  • D 6
1789 Upvotes Verified Answer
The correct answer is: 5
$\begin{gathered}A_{x-2}\left[B(C)_x\right]_2 \longrightarrow(x-2) A^{+2}+\left[B(C)_x\right]^{-(x-2)} \\ A_{x-2}\left[B(C)_x\right] \cdot A^{+2} \text { and }\left[B(C)_2\right]^{-(x-2)} \\ i=1-\alpha+x \alpha-2 \alpha+2 \alpha \\ (x-1) \alpha=3 \text { or } x-1=\frac{3}{\alpha} \\ \alpha=0.75, i=4, x=5\end{gathered}$

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