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1 g of a liquid is converted to vapour at 3×105 Pa pressure. If 10% of the heat supplied is used for increasing the volume by 1600 cm3 during this phase change, then the increase in internal energy in the process will be :
PhysicsThermodynamicsJEE MainJEE Main 2023 (24 Jan Shift 1)
  • A 4320 J
  • B 432000 J
  • C 4800 J
  • D 4.32×108 J
1975 Upvotes Verified Answer
The correct answer is: 4320 J

As pressure against which expansion is happening is constant, work done can be written as =PΔV


=480 J
As only 10% of heat is used in work done.
Hence ΔQ=W0.1=4800 J
The rest goes in increase in internal energy, which is 90% of heat.
Change in internal energy =0.9×4800=4320 J

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