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Question: Answered & Verified by Expert
3-hydroxybutanal is formed when $(X)$ reacts with $(Y)$ in dilute $(Z)$ solution. What are $X, Y$ and $Z$ ?
$\begin{array}{lll}X & Y & Y\end{array}$
ChemistryAldehydes and KetonesTS EAMCETTS EAMCET 2005
  • A $\mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{CHO},\left(\mathrm{CH}_3\right)_2 \mathrm{CO}, \mathrm{NaOH}$
  • B $\mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{CHO}, \quad \mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{CHO}, \quad \mathrm{NaCl}$
  • C $\left(\mathrm{CH}_3\right)_2 \mathrm{CO},\left(\mathrm{CH}_3\right)_2 \mathrm{CO}, \mathrm{HCl}$
  • D $\mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{CHO}, \quad \mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{CHO}, \quad \mathrm{NaOH}$
2517 Upvotes Verified Answer
The correct answer is: $\mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{CHO}, \quad \mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{CHO}, \quad \mathrm{NaOH}$
Aldehydes having $\alpha$-H-atoms undergoes aldol condensation in the presence of dil. $\mathrm{NaOH}$ and yield $\beta$-hydroxy aldehydes.

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