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 92U235 undergoes successive disintegrations with the end product of  82Pb203. The number of α anβ- particles emitted are

PhysicsNuclear PhysicsNEET
  • A α=6 , β=4
  • B α=6 , β=0
  • C α=8 , β=6
  • D α=3, β=3
1719 Upvotes Verified Answer
The correct answer is: α=8 , β=6
Let number of α particles decayed be x and number of β particles decayed be y.

Then equation for the decay is given by

 92U235 xα24+ yβ-10+Pb82203

Equating the mass number on both sides

            235=4x+203                     (i)

Equating atomic number on both sides

                 92=2x-y+82              (ii)

Solving Equ.(i) and(ii), we get


8α particles and 6β particles are emitted in disintegration.

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