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A 1 m long wire is broken into two unequal parts X and Y. The X part of the wire is stretched into another wire W. Length of W is twice the length of X and the resistance of W is twice that of Y. Find the ratio of length of X andY.
PhysicsCurrent ElectricityJEE MainJEE Main 2022 (29 Jul Shift 2)
  • A 1:4
  • B 1:2
  • C 4:1
  • D 2:1
1776 Upvotes Verified Answer
The correct answer is: 1:2


Resistance of a wire is given by R=ρLA, where, ρ is conductivity, L is length of wire and A is cross-sectional area of wire.

For a single wire, A and ρ are constant.

Thus, for parts X and Y, resistance, RXRY=lXlY.

When wire is stretched to double of its length, then resistance becomes four times, thus, RW=4RX=2RY.

Hence, the ratio is RXRY=12.

So,  lXlY=12

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