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A 1.0 M solution of Cd2+ is added to excess iron and the system is allowed to reach equilibrium. What is the concentration in mol of Cd2+?

Cd 2+ aq +Fe s Cd s + Fe 2+ aq ; E o =0.037V
Given: log 18 = 1.25
Report your answer upto two decimal places.
ChemistryElectrochemistryJEE Main
1603 Upvotes Verified Answer
The correct answer is: 0.05
Cd 2 + aq + Fe s Cd s + Fe 2 + aq At eqm. 1 - x - - x

At equilibrium, E o = 0.0591 2 log Fe 2 + Cd 2 +

         0.037 = 0.0591 2 log x 1 - x

               x = Fe 2 + 0.947 M

Cd 2 + = 0.053 M

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