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A 200 Ω resistor has certain colour code. If one replaced the red colour by green in the code, the new resistance will be:
PhysicsCurrent ElectricityJEE MainJEE Main 2019 (08 Apr Shift 1)
  • A 300 Ω
  • B  100 Ω
  • C  400 Ω
  • D  500 Ω
2364 Upvotes Verified Answer
The correct answer is:  500 Ω

Colour band A and B indicate the first two significant figures of resistance in "ohm" , while the C band gives the decimal multiplier i.e., the number of zeros that follows the two significant figures A and B.

The last band D indicates the tolerance in percentage about the indicate value or in another ward it represents the percentage accuracy of the indicated value. 


As we know red corresponds to digit 2 and green corresponds to digit  5 , new resistance will be 500 Ω

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